hamilton family, hamilton shores, photos Kid’s Table, 1972 November 28, 2020 / Starting with Peg, Douglas Little Todd Smith Scott Little Andy Hamilton Diane Little Duncan Hamilton Gina Smith Nancy Smith Amy Hamilton Ken Rice
hamilton family, hamilton shores, history Traveling by Ferry November 26, 2020 / These are notes taken by Nancy Nivison from Gramma Hammie describing how their family used to travel to Hamdun Lodge.
hamilton family, history, nivison family, photos Anne C. (Nancy) Nivison and Richard Hamilton Wedding Album November 22, 2020 /
carter family, hamilton family, history, photos Susan (Sukey) Carter, 1806-1881 August 31, 2020 / Susan (“Sukey”) Carter married Thomas Hamilton in 1828. This picture was found in Nancy Nivison’s records and we believe the only surviving pictures of Thomas and Sukey.
hamilton family, history, photos Thomas Hamilton, 1810-1891 August 31, 2020 / Found this amongst Nancy Nivison’s records. First photo of Thomas Hamilton that we’ve come across.
hamilton family, hamilton shores, history Original “Tribe of Tom” August 31, 2020 / Original version of Charlotte’s poem, found in Nancy Nivison’s records.