Hamilton Family, ~1946
Richard Hamilton – High School – 1927
Richard A. Hamilton – date unknown
Nancy Nivison, first trip to Scotland, 1929
Donald Hamilton, 1927
Richard A. Hamilton
Margaret Campbell (Peg) Hamilton
Thomas Hamilton, Pioneer of York
This is an excellent piece of work on our family by June Hamilton. Unfortunately June passed in April, 2020. But she did a lot of work around the early Hamiltons including our constant subject Thomas of Digby, Nova Scotia.
Note the Thomas referenced in the title was actually our Thomas’ grandson who moved from Nova Scotia to York, Canada, where he was quite successful.
Thomas Hamilton, Town of York PioneerGenealogist Report, 2020
I worked with a Genealogist to do some more work around the early Hamiltons, and especially Thomas Hamilton of Digby, Nova Scotia. I’ll write a post summarizing her findings at some point, but for now including her reports here in case anyone interested.
Daniel O'Keefe Report ver. 1 Daniel O'Keefe Report SECOND segment 6 April O'Keefe Report Questions SECOND segGenealogy Letter to Dick and Nancy, 1992
This is a letter to Richard Hamilton and Nancy Nivison from Gene & Gwen. This was submitted by Doug Hamilton, who had them from Nancy’s files. Has some great color on the Hamilton family going back to Sandy Cove.
Anyone know who Gene & Gwen were? Haven’t found anyone in our family tree who are obvious candidates.
Letter to Dick and Nancy